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Beer Can Chicken

I totally forgot about taking pictures of the chicken prior to putting it on the grill, so I will just have to explain the process.

Step 1 - Rinse the chicken with cold water.

Step 2 - Apply a dry rub to the chicken inside and out.

Step 3 - Use a 1/2 can of beer (I used Budweiser).  Open up the beer and pour out half and pour some of the leftover dry rub in the can.

Step 4 - Punch two extra holes in the top of the beer can.  I used a phillips head screw driver (worked fairly easy).

Step 5 - Insert the beer can (with rub) into the bottom of the chicken.  

We discovered that the cavity was a little to large and had to close it a little so we could use the bottom of the can for support on the grill.  The only thing we had was Dental Floss and a little bit of sewing skills.  A little unconventional, but it worked. 

Step 6 - Place the chicken on the grill with the leg spread to form a triangle.

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You may want to notice the skewer in the top.  We used this skewer to close the opening so most of the moister would stay inside the chicken.

Step 7 - Cook the chicken using indirect heat for about 1.5 hours at 300 - 325.  

At this point, I decided to create a little bowl out of aluminum foil and place in soaked Apple wood chips.  This made for an EXCELLENT aroma. 

Step 8 - Baste chicken after about 45 minutes or so.  

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I basted with some apple juice and vegetable oil.  I would have used Apple Juice/Olive Oil if I remembered to bring it.   

Step 9 - Removing the beer can from the chicken.

We did not think this part through enough.  The recipes I found on other websites never really stated how to remove the can.  What we did was have a person hold the chicken with a couple pairs of tongs, while I removed the beer can.

I have to say it did not work out so well but we got the can out.

Step 10 - Carve and Eat.

BOY oh BOY, was that some goood chicken.  Can you say MOISSST!  Ummm!

I will definitely be cooking more of this in the future.